I'm sure some of you would love to install and use Photoshop on your Linux box. So while I prefer using GIMP, I will still show you how to install Adobe Photoshop inside Linux with the help of Wine (not the alcoholic drink) just in case your photo shop classes or jobs require you to setup and use it. On this tutorial, I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" and Photoshop CS4.
Now let's get started and install Adobe Photoshop on Ubuntu Linux:
* Downloading and Installing Wine
The first thing that you should do is to install Wine. Using the Linux terminal, add the WineHQ APT repository with this command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
To download and install Wine on Ubuntu, just click HERE.
A pop-up will appear, just click "OK".
After installing Wine, you will have to download and install a few more packages. One of which is winetricks.
winetricks is a simple script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries sometimes needed to run programs in Wine.
winetricks is a simple script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries sometimes needed to run programs in Wine.
To get winetricks and the other needed packages, just copy and paste this command:
wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks
Now install them:
sh winetricks msxml6 gdiplus gecko vcrun2005
You should also install Microsoft TTF fonts:
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
Before we will install Photoshop CS4, we will have to download a .dll file. Get atmlib.dll from HERE.
Extract the zip file and copy atmlib.dll to c:/windows/system32. To do this, go to Applications menu -->Wine -->Browse C:\ Drive, then navigate to windows -->system32 and paste atmlib.dll there. After that go to Applications menu --> Wine --> Configure Wine. Inside the Libraries tab, add atmlib.dll and click on "Apply."
* Installing Photoshop CS4 on Ubuntu
You can now run the Photoshop CS4 installer via Wine with this command:
LANG=C wine Setup.exe
Note: you may need to add the path to your installer
Just install Photoshop the way you do it on Windows and you are done.
* Running Photoshop CS4 on Ubuntu
You can now start using Photoshop by going to Applications -->Wine -->Programs, and then selecting Photoshop CS4. Have fun, but don't forget to try GIMP :-)